Hi friends and supporters,
I'm back with a brand new pose just in time for my birthday in RL. I want to celebrate my heritage and celebrate the ancient Chinese culture. With over five thousand years of culture, the Chinese have really established themselves in the world as a country to earn respect and awe for their achievements and successes. I have also been learning Mandarin for many years. Though it is one of the most difficult languages to learn, it has proved to be a worthwhile experience. I am proud of my heritage. I am not ashamed of who I am anymore. People can hate me for being different but it can never change who I am. No one is less for being what they are.
I was also inspired by the Coldplay song Princess of China featuring Rihanna.
Styling for this shoot proved to be very difficult. I could not wear a kimono since that is traditional Japanese dress. The dress I ended up wearing is from the We <3 RP event from March or April I believe. I chose to wear it in sapphire.
The hair might look a bit Japanese but there really isn't a lot for me to choose from. The hair flower is included. It is so lovely. I found it at marketplace and then I visited the inworld store to grab the demo. Cheveux is the brand and I will definitely check back for new releases.
The sim is not the Great Wall of China sim. I tried to tp over but it might be gone. I was able to find a sim that had at least part of the Great Wall, China Grove in Deimos. It's beautiful. More photos will be included soon!
I want to thank the 1001 font site for providing so many fabulous GIMP fonts. They have pages and pages of Asian-inspired fonts. Did I mention that they are free? Well they are and I keep returning for more.
My styling is below, check it out.
Style details
hair: .:cheveux:.F039 blacks
eyes: IKON Lucid Eyes Abyss
earrings: [MANDALA] Kabuki EARRINGs Gotama Gold
necklace: [MANDALA] Kabuki NECKLACE Gotama Gold
dress: Apsara Regina gown - Blue Sapphire
hands: Slink AV Enhance Hands Female Elegant
nails: Flair Nail HUD Add on set 142
I have decided to release the pose to the public in the next few days. My birthday is Sunday but I'd rather leave the uploading and updating pages for next week.
Have a great weekend!
Victoria Lenoirre
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