Hi lovelies!
Sorry to have been absent. I decided, after discussion with a few good friends of mine, that I would concentrate more on my photography skills. I have been learning more as time goes by. The results are always rewarding in the end. I even started my first photo series, my tough girl series.
I bought poses from several different pose creators. It is fun hunting for the poses I want. There are many fabulous poses out there! I even found some lesser known brands and they are quite good. The prices were good too. :-)
Will I be back? Yes, I will. I just am honing my skills. Also, I am still working on a new logo. It looks so easy, doesn't it? But when I got down to the drafting, I really didn't want to copy or look like I was copying others. I might have a new idea coming out. We will see. It will probably be revealed after the new year!
I leave you with some photos.
To see more you can go to my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/victorialenoirre/
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Have fun and enjoy the art!
Victoria Lenoirre
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Sorry to have been absent. I decided, after discussion with a few good friends of mine, that I would concentrate more on my photography skills. I have been learning more as time goes by. The results are always rewarding in the end. I even started my first photo series, my tough girl series.
I bought poses from several different pose creators. It is fun hunting for the poses I want. There are many fabulous poses out there! I even found some lesser known brands and they are quite good. The prices were good too. :-)
Will I be back? Yes, I will. I just am honing my skills. Also, I am still working on a new logo. It looks so easy, doesn't it? But when I got down to the drafting, I really didn't want to copy or look like I was copying others. I might have a new idea coming out. We will see. It will probably be revealed after the new year!
I leave you with some photos.
To see more you can go to my flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/victorialenoirre/
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Have fun and enjoy the art!
Victoria Lenoirre
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