Hi lovelies! I know, I'm late. Real life has been very busy. Finally got around to revisiting the zombie theme. My first pose ever created is the zombie stand pose, you can still get it for 1L at my MP page. I plan on redoing it in the future. Also, I hope to contine with my zombie pose series. Now, I give you...Zombie Stare pose. I really love how it turned out. It was fun to put the outfit together as well as position the body parts. I positioned the joints a bit askew because zombies are not too concerned about proper posture. The mesh head is by Corvus. I have wanted to try their stuff for awhile but I did not know until weeks ago that they had appliers for the Maitreya body. So yay! They have a variety of mesh heads and this is the first one that I have tried. The head is called Nahara undead. Nahara even comes in a regular version with tones like tan and fair. Her mesh head line is new. This head is amazing! The texturing and the shape is really well done. The ...
Poses, fashion, and interestingness in Second Life