Hi everyone! I am happy to bring you my newest pose, Suavecito. The name is from an old Ricky Martin song, One Night Man. I love Latin music. Suavecito is about a smooth, cultured and confident man who knows who he is and knows what he wants out of life. He is suave. The pose was made using the Slink Physique male body. It may not fit the Aesthetic body. Julio might get that body someday, if his finances improve. It is a big investment. Permissions are copy and modify only. Styling hair: RAW HOUSE Akuma browns shirt: Rosenwolf Men's Mesh 3/4 Sleeve shirts - Leather multitexture skin: Labyrinth Gideon tanned hands: SLink AvEnhance male hands-Relax eyes: IKON Promise Eyes Midnight Inworld: Coming soon! Marketplace: Coming soon! Have fun and enjoy yourself! - Victoria Lenoirre Go here Go Back To This Site
Poses, fashion, and interestingness in Second Life