Hi lovelies! I have created yet another standing, fashion pose. I call it Flaunting Curves. You can find it here . It is here on my markeptplace page too. I realized I didn't have very many fashion poses. This works great with swimwear, lingerie, pants, dresses...I like the versatility of it. The position of the head really shows off the length of the neck. Originally I was going to call it In the air tonight. I am a Phil Collins fan. But instead, I opted for a name more suited to the pose. I used a night windlight for this photo, I forgot which one it was. I also love being in the water, so I shot this on a beach. This pose is a way for women to flaunt their curves and make a statement. We women can be sexy, strong, confident! If you would like to see it inworld it is here . I share the parcel with my friend davied. Davied creates some of the best and most realistic log cabins in SL. He has a rezzer near my store where you can tour each cabin. They are just w...
Poses, fashion, and interestingness in Second Life